La calefacción por medio de suelos radiantes se ha incrementado en los últimos años debido a sus grandes ventajas a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Sin embargo este tipo de calefacción no es compatible con todos los materiales y es aquí donde el microcemento debido a sus características permite su instalación. Entre las principales ventajas […]
¿Se fisura el microcemento? El microcemento por si solo no se fisura y si sucede es por una mala preparación del sitio previo de su aplicación. El microcemento y/o micromortero es un material muy resistente y que por su composición física es muy flexible y con una increíble dureza (su nivel varía de acuerdo al […]
Although it is often thought that microcement is only for walls or floors, it has many other alternative uses and applications, such as all types of tables. The use of microcement in furniture and in tables has been growing exponentially and its use by interior designers has set a trend in recent years. Microcement tables […]
Microcement in kitchens? As we know, microcement is very versatile and can be applied to numerous surfaces, including floors, walls, swimming pools and even furniture. As a result, many designers and architects are now using it to decorate kitchens with a unique, avant-garde and elegant style, and thanks to its continuous cladding it gives a […]
Care The Microcement durability of floors depends to a large extent on the careful cleaning and maintenance that is carried out on them, by means of periodic washing, the dirt particles that cause scratches and wear are eliminated from it, in addition by using self-gloss waxes. diluted in water, and thanks to the polymeric residue […]
Although Microcement is based on gray, there are many color ranges with which you can add a touch to your room with your favorite color. The foregoing, thanks to the versatility of microcement and the combination of dyes and other materials, finishes can be achieved with solid colors, with textures or with metallic effects. To […]
Different types of finishes Microcement offers the opportunity to give different types of finishes, from fine to rustic, light and dark. It ‘s for these and more reasons that microcement has so many followers and adepts, because it is a material that adjusts to the tastes of each person, allowing each space to be given […]
In this interview with Fernando, from the Homecret team, we talk about the advantages of using microcement in bathrooms. As it is a seamless product, it offers visual continuity in the different elements of this area, which makes it look larger and cleaner. All of this while playing with colour in an amazing way. Even […]
Use it anywhere Few things in life can be labelled like this, but microcement can be applied on floors, walls, bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms … any room can be renovated thanks to this product. Unlimited Applications Apply it on tiles, plaster, plasterboard, terrazzo … Yes, it’s that simple. If you want to renovate your […]
The first entry of this blog could not be different. Surely we all have an idea of what microcement is and, without further investigation, we would soon define it as “that smooth seamless surface, typically in a grey tone and made with very fine cement, as indicated by its name…” This intuitive definition has some […]